"Creating a new and different sound in the age of the internet can be a mammoth task, but Philadelphia rock (/surf/folk/experimental) group Seagulls gracefully do just that."

- Sean O'Leary, INYOURSPEAKERS.com

“Seagulls’ new album [Thrown Voice] does some interesting things in a subgenre of indie rock where it’s really hard to stand out. RIYL chillwave-y indie rock with production values and chops.”

- Ian Cohen, Pitchfork and Stereogum

"It’ll get you right in the feels."

"Debut albums are not supposed to be this richly textured, this absorbing or this indelible. As sublime and transcendent as a first kiss, Great Pine is an auspicious debut for a band that won’t be Eastern PA’s secret for long."

- Gregory Robson, ABSOLUTEPUNK.net


“Little is known about the band, but the sheer weirdness, indie bravado and innocent perfectionism will only elevate them to levels of underground stardom soon enough. "Simply stunning."

- Ryan Walker, KEMPTATION

"…something that’s naturally quite nostalgic yet modern — and perhaps more important, a sound that feels focused and yet absolutely unforced."


“If we’re truly living in the end times, Philly rock four-piece Zinskē provides a soundtrack that’s both distressed and danceable. Their debut full-length album Murder Mart unpacks a slate of heavy topics — wealth inequality and the weight of capitalism, social injustice and suburban malaise — but its brisk beats and fuzzy riffs are a source of light and life in the chaos. On the one hand, it’s the work of many Philly music all-stars, but it’s also a compelling set of music above and beyond that.”

- John Vettese, WXPN The Key on Zinskē’s Murder Mart (Read More)

“Everything’s tight and in its right place on Murder Mart, the debut album from Philadelphia’s Zinskē. It’s a sleek, well-put-together record that reminds me both of austere, controlled post-punk and mid-tempo 90s alt-rock. There’s a “sharp dullness” to Murder Mart—the songs might seem opaque at first, but there’s too much going on underneath the surface to ignore.”

- Rosy Overdrive on Zinskē as #2 in their Top 100 Albums of 2022 (Read More)

“If you listen to Murder Mart at least once, good luck getting Zinské’s bass-driven college rock out of your head.”

- Lizzie Manno, Paste Magazine (Read More)

“The EP rides a delicate balance, aligning heavier punk undertones with what, in another context, could almost pass for dreamy pop melodies. Zinskē executes this with a persistent sense of authenticity, it’s like the band subconsciously brought their varied influences together into an effortlessly materialized collection of songs that sound like no other.”

- Sarah Hojsak, XPN (Read More)


“An excellent take on droll and downcast indie rock with unexpectedly sparkly elements from this Philadelphia group”

- Bandcamp, New and Notable